In this era of vast technological advancements, business strategies and propaganda have undergone a drastic change and so eCommerce businessmen changing their websites by converting PSD to WordPress themes to create a fully functional website template.
From the traditional offline markets and centers, businessmen across the world have migrated to the online platform. They have chosen social sites as the means of running and promoting their business.
This change is pushed furthermore by the current Pandemic situation. In this scenario of economic crisis amidst the absolute lockdown, a lot of companies came up with web-based business ideas.
They set up their own websites, as personalized as they could be, and fared well in their respective domains of trade.
Alongside these, a number of new start-ups also came into the limelight with their unique websites and customer relations management. Consequently, there is increasing competition in the business industry.
Knowing the above scenario, you must be wondering how to stand out in your field of business. This can also make you ponder attracting more customers.
Well, an easier and more efficient solution to this is creating a customized, unique website using WordPress theme development.
You can create your design as a Photoshop file and use PSD to WordPress theme conversion to apply it on your webpage.
If this sounds interesting yet a bit difficult, here is a complete guide with a simplified explanation right from the fundamentals.
Standards for Web designing:
At present, there are three primary standards. They are PSD, WordPress, and Twitter bootstrap.
Bootstrap is comparatively recent among them. But, WordPress is the most popular and user compatible.
☛ PSD Vs WordPress Theme
To start with, you should have a clear conception of Psd and WordPress. Then only you will be able to tackle with PSD to WordPress theme development procedures.
PSD stands for Photoshop Design(PSD) is a template of a file created by using Adobe Photoshop. Web designers work on this file to edit, create, and save various parts and images as png and jpeg files.
These files are further editable in the Photoshop application only. Adobe Photoshop is one of the most used applications by graphic designers.
Here you can experiment with all your creativity to make a customized design for your website. In fact, every WordPress web design is created here in fragments.
Now, how to implement this design into your webpage? The answer to this is a custom WordPress theme development.
Precisely, WordPress is a Content Management System and WordPress theme is basically a flock of PHP files with commands defining the elements of the website you are designing.
Individual elements like the patterns used, the color, the icons, the styles, the fonts, the headers and footers, and others have separate commands
To put it simply, WordPress works on the look and feel of your webpage, to make it attractive to customers.
A recent study shows that almost 50,000 new websites are coming up daily, and the majority of them have WordPress as their prime Content Management System. WordPress is by far the most efficient system in this domain.
Why should you opt for PSD to WordPress Theme?
Are you wondering why should you opt for switching to WordPress? Here are some of the reasons you should look at them as below:
☛ To avoid SEO traffic to get to the top
WordPress follows the guidelines of Google and other engines while building a website, thus assuring that your website stays in the priority list of search engines.
This can bring you more opportunities as most viewers will see your website first.
☛ For a better presentation of your contents
After the conversion of PSD to a WordPress theme, you will get better options for content presentation than HTML content.
WordPress allows you to edit, create, and publish your content.
☛ Updating your website with newer features everyday
This feature will obviously make your website eye-catching and help to draw more attention.
☛ Optimizing your themes to make it more user-friendly
Using WordPress themes enables you to optimize it for any device, be it computers, tablets, or mobile phones.
Hire a developer for a professional touch
The concept of PSD to WordPress theme conversion might be easily explained to you, but the work is not that easy. For a novice businessman, making this transition smoothly and creating a fully functional website is tough indeed.
Hence, it is recommended to hire a WordPress developer who is trained professionally to give you the desired results within a comparatively shorter time span.
From a business perspective, hiring an expert and adding a professional touch to your website design might just give a kickoff to your business and pave the path to huge profits!
Steps of converting PSD to WordPress Theme
Here is a complete step-by-step guide on how to make PSD to WordPress theme:
☛ Choose the correct PSD file
It is very natural to try out different formats and create more than one theme in photoshop in the beginning.
If you or your professional has done that, make it a point to choose the most appropriate design suiting your purpose.
☛ Slice the PSD file into appropriate fragments
In this step, your professional cuts, edit and save the theme in several smaller design files. Amalgamating all of them produces the complete theme of your webpage.
The point should be made to keep the files smaller in size. This is important for faster and easier conversion of PSD to WordPress theme.
☛ Verify whether the correct images are saved
The saved PSD files must be cross-checked whether the right files are processed before proceeding to conversion. Once converted, it requires much extra effort to revert it back or to change or redo it.
However, a WordPress theme expert can skip this step, as he is accustomed to and trained to perform the work with ease.
☛ Select the proper software tool for the conversion
This step is very important in the whole process. You can perform it simply using Notepad, although experts prefer Dreamweaver or Fireworks for conducting this.
Whichever application you want to use, make sure to download and install it on your device beforehand. Once your design files are sliced completely, extract the zipped file in a folder there.
☛ Create your HTML and CSS files
Now is the time to code the images into HTML and CSS files. HTML is the webpage coding and CSS is for the webpage design.
Create the file with proper reference class and identification.
If you are taking help from any of the PSD to WordPress services, you should ask him to do the same. Save the file after completion of the work.
☛ Break the HTML and CSS files in WordPress
Open the proper WordPress location where you will be working on the website template. After that, break down the PSD to WordPress theme for setting them and merging into the final format of your webpage.
You must take help from a person with adequate knowledge of developing websites for this step.
☛ Align the theme on the template properly
WordPress Theme Customization allows you to select and edit the template on which your website will be created.
Place the icons, buttons, header, footer, and all other parts properly. Align them as you wish to create your final webpage design.
☛ Add multidisciplinary tags of WordPress
WordPress has a vast collection of pre-built functional tags that you can attach to your website for enhanced user experience.
These tags are inbuilt and do not take much time or effort to get incorporated into your newly created webpage. You can ask your developer to add some of them according to your choice.
☛ Add special functions
This is totally an optional step. You might opt for adding some extra functions available at WordPress development services.
This will not only add more details to your site but also an extra dimension to your business.
☛ Cross-check your webpage
Finally, as you get hold of the final webpage which you will be presenting to the world, do make it a point to cross-check every implementation before releasing your developer from his contract.
Take corrective measures if and when required, so as to ensure the highest quality of work is being done.
Points to be noted before hiring an expert
Hire a WordPress theme developer if you are a beginner. An expert developer has ample knowledge of the transition of PSD to WordPress theme, ensuring to bring out what you exactly want.
☛ However, you should consider these points before hiring:
- Hire from a trusted company, or else the vital information you will be sharing with him might be at stake.
- Do not go for too expensive ones; often there are good developers working at standard rates.
- You must cross-check the content provided by an expert that it should not plagiarize content. You might face legal issues in your business by using plagiarized content.
- Always ensure that your developer is maintaining intermittent communication with you in the course of the contract.
- Lastly, do not forget to verify whether your expert knows to head to toe about photoshop PSD to WordPress theme development from scratch.
In today’s world of aggressive competition in all possible domains of online business start-ups, a responsive WordPress theme is dominating the market standard.
It enables PSD to WordPress theme conversion, thus helping you to create a unique customized website for your business, thereby helping you to reach the top in no time.
Do follow the given guidelines to create your webpage. After all, who does not want to get the taste of success?