Web Design and Development today has much to profit, especially when Internet users are increases.
But for developing websites, developers often find themselves scratching their heads, even businesses looking to create applications wonder about Mean Stack Developers vs Full Stack Developers.
While Full Stack Developers are in much demand, it can’t be denied that over 3 million websites today use Angular JS.
While there are obvious comparisons to be drawn between two and discuss their advantages too, so in this article, we will talk about both Mean Stack and Full Stack in detail.
Mean Stack Development: Pros and Cons
MEAN stack as a term is described as a collection of curated technologies based on JavaScript used to create complex web apps (responsive or progressive) and websites.
Simply speaking, MEAN, as defined as a full-stack framework for JavaScript simplifies and boosts application and web development.
MongoDB, Express.JS, Angular JS, and Node.JS are a collection of technologies that create combined technology as MEAN Stack in web and mobile applications.
Currently, some of the complicated responsive web apps and websites are supported by MEAN stack, which is among the fastest developing open-source framework for stack development that helps teams or developers with popular plugins and tools to minimize the time spent on system administration and it enables faster deployment of websites, APIs, and web application to focus on the intricate process of developing your project.
MEAN Technologies:
☛ MongoDB
This is a document database utilized by your application’s back-end to save its data as JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON, documents.
☛ Express.JS
This is a back-end framework for web applications operating atop Node.JS.
☛ Angular.JS
Now known as Angular 2, this is used for web application’s front-end framework and it runs on JavaScript code in the browser of the user, enabling your app user interface to be more dynamic.
☛ Node.JS
This is the environment for JavaScript runtime and enables you to implement your app back-end in JS.
Advantages of MEAN Stack Development:
☛ Mean Executes Switching Among Server and Client Easier
Creating applications employing MEAN is fast and simple as developers are enabled to compose code in just one language, that is, JavaScript for both server-side and client-side.
A specialist in JavaScript can handle the total project with the support of the MEAN stack method.
With Node.JS, developers can extend the apps on the server straight without needing to deploy it to the stand-alone server.
☛ Isomorphic Coding Is Achievable With Mean
Moving the code to another structure that is composed in one specific framework is made feasible with the support of MEAN stack.
This has made MEAN stack the popular edge technology and any Web Design and Development Company are looking into several technologies in MEAN to improve the transcendence within web development and application projects.
☛ Extreme Versatile
MEAN lets developers test an app on a cloud environment easily after the development process is successfully completed.
Applications can be developed, implemented, and tested easily in the cloud. It also enables developers to add additional information just by attaching the domain to the form.
MongoDB is particularly created for the cloud, and it offers total cluster support and automated duplication.
☛ MEAN Utilizes JSON
JavaScript Object Notation is utilized in both AngularJS and NodeJS. While MongoDB is a relational database based on components that provide users to store documents in the JSON format.
However, this is limited to a small collection of intermediate-level enterprises. Developers mostly choose MEAN stack at different stages of web and applications development.
☛ Cost-Effective
Creating an application with MEAN stack demands developers to be fluent in JavaScipt.
As the number of developers is less when needed to create application employing the MEAN stack, the amount to be spent to Hire WordPress Developers is also considerably more affordable.
So, we can safely say MEAN stack is extremely cost-effective.
☛ High Reusability and Speed
Node.JS is ascendable and fast as it has a non-blocking structure. Angular.JS is open-source that provides reusability, maintenance, and testability.
Dynamic directive of this structure moves into amazing testability and language based on domain.
☛ Cloud Compatibility and Open-source
Every MEAN stack technology is open-source and free. It supports the process of development using public depositories and libraries and diminishes the cost of development.
MongoDB assists in deploying cloud functions inside the application by lessening the cost of disk space.
MEAN stack is quick developing, simple to study and simple to link around.
Each technology accessible in Stack can be utilized efficiently in combination with each other, depending on the specification. However, there are some disadvantages to it as well, let us look at them.
☛ Excessive Hype
It is easy to fall prey to MEAN’s hype and this has led to being quite the disadvantage for his stack.
Developers desire to apply it because it is popular and trendy, forgetting that it is still a recent technology with muss lower support than PHP, Apache, and MySQL.
The reality is that while MEAN is quicker to extend, it still does not provide the simple customization capacity of Ruby or LAMP, mostly because of the lack of general documentation and support.
☛ No Popular Support
Most developers everywhere agree that this stack works great and is good when it is used to simplify the back and front-end of app development.
However, Ruby, Python, Perl, PHP, MySQL, Apache, and Linux have been around for many years and there are many, many sources to find ways to modify them to the needs of your application.
☛ Security Questions
Even with Google providing the runtime environment and structure for MEAN, this stack is still not considered sage enough from the perspective of data safety.
You will find totally experienced developers that will not agree but the fact that the oldest primary software inside the framework is only a decade old implies that MEAN will be a desirable target for cybercriminals looking to attack.
Full Stack Development
It is mostly impossible to develop a software product that is full-fledged using only a single technology.
This often includes total tech stacks that are a standard collection of programming language and tools. As most software products comprise of server-side and client-side, there are often two distinct stacks that incorporate every layer.
However, there are methods that can be utilized to develop a mobile or web application from start to end. These are known as full-stack development.
The fact that organizations such as PayPal, Medium, Netflix, Airbnb, and Groupon adopted the approach of full-stack JavaScript to create some of their products is a testament in itself.
However, smaller businesses seem to prefer this as well.
Advantages Full-Stack Development:
☛ Better Team Performance, Common Language with Reduced Resources
When all parts of your application composed in JavaScript, it lets for better comprehension of the source code inside the team.
Thus, there is no difference between back and front end engineering that happens when two teams work separately utilizing various technologies.
Additionally, you can also work with one team or more, for front and back end that reduces the effort and cost of looking for and maintaining the correct talent significantly.
Such a multi-functional team is an amazing asset if you follow Agile methodologies.
☛ Comprehensive Code Reusability
You can save time through code sharing and reusing with full-stack. Following the principle of DRY, you are able to diminish the effort by using parts of code again on both front and back end that is close in phases of implementation and logic.
In other words, you see the utility on the browser and server and you don’t have to think about utility equals in Ruby or Python.
Lowering the number of code lines to 40% is also a useful capacity when managing and refactoring the source code.
☛ High Speed and Performance
Node.JS uses an IO model that is non-blocking and is driven by an event which makes it lighter and faster compared to other popularly used technologies for back-end development.
You can check out PayPal’s intensive report on the results they achieved by migrating from Java to full-stack.
☛ Immense Talent Pool
According to the annual survey by Stack Overflow, JavaScript is the widely-used language that is employed by 62.5% of people, which is roughly 23,000 developers on the website.
Considering the fact that the survey only included 0.4% of the 19 million developers all over the world, the total quantity of JavaScript engineers may be over 10 million.
Thus, finding a skilled full-stack developer is easier than most.
☛ Wide Base of Knowledge
Supported by behemoths like Google and Facebook, full-stack has a dynamic and fast-developing community.
Based on the survey by Stack Overflow mentioned before, it ranks high on the list of widely used technologies.
With more than 1 million questions on Stack Overflow, the size of the knowledge base of full-stack cannot be denied.
☛ Open-source, Free Toolset
Most of the tools with full-stack is open-source or free projects. This implies that you don’t require bearing extra costs for expensive subscriptions or licenses.
The tools are open-source and updated often and growing fast due to proactive contributions from the community.
However, no technology is foolproof. Notwithstanding all the advantages the full-stack method gives, there are invariably some disadvantages to be conscious of.
☛ Insufficiency with Back-end That is Computation-heavy
Node.JS is not the most efficient choice when it comes to complex data processing and computation on the side of the server.
There are many technologies that are better to manage projects like complex mathematical calculations, machine learning, o algorithms.
☛ Young Technologies
If you compare full-stack to Java or PHP, full-stack has not been around for a long time. This causes a limited knowledge pool and smaller integration capacities.
For example, several developers claim the youth of the connections among Node.JS and linked database tools, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Microsoft SQL Server.
☛ Jack of All Trades, Master of None
Commonly, it is believed that developers can only totally become experts in only one area of expertise.
With every skill obtained the quality of their expertise will lessen. While grammar and syntax of JavaScript are commonly similar on the server and client-side, there are many aspects to take into account.
Besides being expert in front-end development, Full Stack Developers require to know back-end programming like cookies, data storage, asynchronous I/O, HTTP protocol, etc.
That is why most people say there are actually no full-stack developers.
Mean Stack Developers vs Full Stack Developers:
Web applications front-end include the graphical UI that users experience, see and react to. On the other end, backend includes an application, a database, and a server.
An organization has to extend front-end developers to make the user-facing end of the website interactive and appealing.
During this, it also requires to deploy expert back-end developers to enforce and push the user-facing side by optimizing and handling the backend elements.
Full Stack is not the acronym of any web application. It links to the developer.
While Mean Stack is an acronym for the web application and is employed in app development primarily, Full Stack Developers can be very good for the company as they can work with both frontend and backend development.
Meanwhile, Mean Stack can be the most effective for a business as it offers several benefits to the Mobile App Development Company. There many job opportunities for Full-stack developers.
MEAN stack lets developers use many JavaScript aspects. Full Stack Developers require doing the BFS study and MEAN stack development consolidates the BFS study.
The combo on backend and frontend frameworks additionally allows developers to develop custom applications without the need for full-stack web structure.
The developers can utilize AngularJS to make frontend development easier, and Express and Node.js boost backend development.
Thus, many developers now use MEAN stacks as a toolkit to ease and boost Full Stack Development even if they differ in many aspects.
Therefore, you can easily see both full-stack and MEAN stack development has its very distinct uses.
Developers need to be skilled in both server and client-side technologies to work on the UI of the web application, database layers, and business logic.
They also require boosting full-stack web development by applying robust stacks and full-stack web structures.
MEAN stacks make it easy and boosts full-stack development via its four elements.
The main elements allow programmers to compose both backend and frontend of the web app in JavaScript.