Did you ever wonder why on-demand meal delivery apps are so popular? It will be safe to say that the primary reason for their popularity is convenience. They offer convenience to both customers and restaurant owners. A meal delivery business can run smoothly with the help of some technology. As a restaurant owner, you may have thought of meal delivery app development at least once.
If you are not able to decide, then consult some reliable top mobile app development company. We are quite sure they will be able to change your mind.
Now, in the case of an on-demand food delivery app, there are two types. One is platform-to-consumer and the other is restaurant-to-consumer.
As per the latest statistics, platform-to-consumer apps are more popular. Some examples of these apps are UberEats, Zomato, Swiggy, etc.
The primary challenge for developers in creating an app for food delivery businesses is to build for different audiences. The main app comprises of three separate apps for customers, drivers, and the restaurant. Each of them has a different set of features.
In this blog, we will be looking at the customer side of the meal delivery app development project.
List of Features:
Here are some of the must-have features in the client platform of any meal delivery software:
#1. Search & Menus
This is the primary feature of any meal ordering app. After all, customers will need something to start, right? In search and menus, customers can either search for their favorite cuisines or restaurants.
They can also have a look at the menu of their favorite restaurant and get more details about the same. For food delivery startups, the Grubhub developer API can prove to be very useful.
#2. Third-Party APIs
The Grubhub API will enable the user to get information about 10,000 restaurants. Restaurants can update their information as and when required with the help of this API.
A food service app can also use the API to send the payment information along with the order details. For access to the Grub hub API, your development team will have to contact the Grub hub team.
There is also the Zomato API. It gives information on 1.5 million restaurants spread across 10,000 cities of the world. The Zomato API functions a little bit similar to the Grubhub API.
You can use this API for free for 1000 calls in a day. If you expect your app to get more requests than that, then reach out to the Zomato team.
Not to forget Foursquare’s Places API. It will give customers access to the restaurant listings. The Postmates app has the local discovery service Foursquare integrated.
Again, the users of the Postmates app will be able to look up restaurant menus. The popular food delivery app will then take an order, send it to the restaurant, and then assign a delivery executive to pick the same.
#3. Partnership with Local Restaurants
No business will be happy if anyone else uses their name without consent. The same rule applies in the case of the food delivery business.
If an app owner, includes a restaurant’s details without their consent, there are bound to be mishaps. So, while the meal delivery app development project is in progress, talk to the local restaurants.
When you form direct partnerships with the restaurants, there will be no hurdles later.
Here, the benefit for you is that all the details about the restaurant will be updated. It means lesser problems after customers place orders and a higher satisfaction rate.
But the challenge here is to convince local restaurants to get on board. One way you can do that is by offering them an amazing POS system. The point of sale system will make it easy for them to manage orders.
#4. Estimated Delivery Time
When it comes to food, we don’t think anyone has the patience to wait. Hence, a lunch delivery business should always include the estimated delivery time feature.
Customers can know the approximate time in which their order will reach them. That will surely make them less anxious.
Accurately calculating the delivery time is possible with the help of machine learning. The iphone application development company that you hire will explain how it works.
Some of the factors that machine learning will consider to calculate the delivery time are order volume, delivery location, availability of drivers, etc.
#5. Payments
The millennials and Gen Z want every transaction to be seamless. To avoid the hassles of cash on delivery, you can integrate multiple payment options.
It becomes convenient for the users to order and pay in the app itself. As a result, they will keep returning to your app.
You can integrate all the major payment platforms that are used in your country. But make sure that proper data security measures are in place.
Any problem in relation to data security will cost you a lot more than just money.
#6. GPS Tracking
Uber has definitely set high standards for the on-demand food delivery industry. The GPS tracking feature is essential in any meal delivery app development project. We may not be able to tell you the technical aspects in detail but can explain some basics.
Know the location of the customer. Then depending on the app platform you are using, there is the CoreLocation Framework (iOS) or Google’s Geolocation API (Android).
The next step is the directions. It is necessary for both drivers and customers. In the case of an iOS app, you will need MapKit, and for Android, you will require Google Directions API.
However, if you need alternatives to Google and Apple at less cost, that is possible too. For that, you need to research well and find out if they can match the industry leader’s standards.
#7. Option to Chat with Drivers/Help Center
Again, this is one of the essentials for any home delivery business app. There will be so many times when customers will have questions. Where do they go the same?
If your app doesn’t provide a platform to answer their questions or resolve their queries, the customers may never use the app again.
So, include an in-app chat option with the help center as well as the delivery staff. This will make it easier for them to get a faster resolution to the problem at hand.
#8. Ratings, Reviews, & Tips
The ratings and reviews feature will establish the credibility of a business. When users give ratings to the restaurants, their services, or the delivery people, it helps other customers. Also, as an app owner, you can know which of your staff is reliable.
You can also include the option to tip a driver if the delivery service was up to expectations.
#9. Contactless Delivery
Every business has to adapt to the current market scenario. A homemade food delivery business is no exception. A contactless delivery option has become almost a necessity in times of COVID.
All you need to do is include a contactless delivery checkbox option on the customer side of the app.
When a customer selects the contactless delivery option, the delivery person will keep the order at the order. Then step back at least one meter and wait for someone to collect the order.
#10. Lock Screen Widgets
Lock screen widgets may not seem significant but they can be useful. The lock screen widget can give customers the required information. It can be either the promotional offers or the status of their order.
Are you still thinking why is it important? Well, the lock screen widget will save customers the trouble of unlocking their phones, opening the app, and then finding the necessary information.
If possible include the feature while the meal delivery app development is in process.
Final Thoughts
Meal delivery app development may seem like an interesting idea, but the competition is tough. When you are planning your dream app, ensure that it has different features from the competitors. Only then you will be able to grab the attention of your target audience.
Next, come the appearance and functionality of the food delivery app. UI/UX of the app needs to be engaging and the app should run smoothly on all devices.
Not to forget, a seamless checkout process. Keep the basics right and there will be no problem in achieving the success you want.
Hire an Android app developer only after careful consideration so that you don’t end up wasting time and money. Research a bit in advance about the required skills of developers to avoid any glitches.
On a final note, make your on-demand food delivery app the one that offers something valuable to your target audience.
Did you make up your mind to take your restaurant business online? Or do you need some more convincing from the experts? If yes, then you are on the right page! Talk to our mobile app development team at [email protected] right away!