In today’s fast-paced world, where the Internet Speed is so advanced that the present data 4G is giving almost 10Mbps speed. These days, data is being consumed rapidly that there is a reason for all the CDN servers, networks and custom WordPress websites to thrive. That’s why we’re here to list down all Free CDN Services for WordPress Website to boost up the speed of Website.
Content delivery networks are a blessing for us because they help our websites in so many ways. Though you can now enjoy your internet speed data up to 1GBps with the help of Google Fiber.
With seeing so much speed, we have now grown very impatient when the websites load slowly.
According to Kissmetrics, Around 47% of the visitors want a website to load in less than 2 seconds and they will leave if the whole process takes more than 3 seconds. Thus, it is always good to have something that can speed up the website loading process.
What is a Content Delivery Network?
Before we get into the Free CDN Services for WordPress Website, let us get to know what a CDN is. CDN or content delivery network is a group of servers that are located across the globe.
It is designed to deliver the website’s files and to the visitor as fast as possible. All you have to remember is that is a bunch of servers that work together to deliver the content of your website very fast.
In fact, any Web Development Company will tell you that it is wise to consider a CDN for your website.
☛ Why a CDN?
CDN will Speed Up and Secure Your Website and this is what is needed in almost all of the websites. When you get to hire a WordPress developer for your website, they will suggest you get a CDN too.
This is because nobody likes to wait long for a website. When your website keeps growing, the traffic keeps growing too. Hence, the time to load your website is also more.
When you have a CDN, it speeds up the website by providing quick content delivery from the server and hence this decrease your website loading time. Thus, it is a win for you in that situation. You can either get a free CDN or try out the trial version and then opt for a premium one.
12 best Free CDN Services for WordPress Website:
There quite a lot of free content delivery network which has the so-called forever free plan. Here are the best CDN for your WordPress Website.
1. Cloudflare
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One of the best CDN providers is also known as the popular choice for all the website users. It is one of those oldest and leading companies that provide the Cloudflare free CDN software.
Apart from that, it is known for its 115 datacenters, speed, security. It is also reliable and gives protection from all the basic DDoS(Denial of Service) attacks.
Cloudflare is also one of the famous WordPress plugins and is also famously used as Cloudflare web hosting. It has been used in 100,00 active websites. They help in outgoing traffic is accelerated through their globally powered CDNs as they are connected to the cloud.
2. Incapsula
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This is one of the free WordPress CDNyou can have for your website. It has other features like global CDN, web security and DDoS Protection. Incapsula is the best CDN WordPress software because it takes less than 5 minutes to activate the complete service.
They also have a WordPress plugin so that you can correct IP Address information for comments posted to your website. It also helps in real-time threat analysis of incoming traffic and they block the threats that are coming in the website way.
3. Photon by Jetpack
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Another free CDN for WordPress, it is well known in the circles of WordPress users. They have this free CDN services called Photon and that is an excellent service for our website.
It serves all the website’s images through their global gird. It is quite simple actually to get activated to this CDN. All you need to do is to download the JetPack software and install it in your PC.
After that, you have to activate its Photon module. There is no need of you configuring anything and by the use of this free content delivery network, you can see that the images are offloaded to the WordPress grid.
4. Swarmify
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Another free CDN in our list, Swarmify is peer to peer-based CDN. It offers 10GB bandwidth only for images. Swarmify has premium and free plans. It can also be downloaded as a WordPress plugin and you can learn about working.
This is one of those CDN Services to Speed Up WordPresswebsite. When a new peer arrives, the images are served from the previous peer. It can help to save the server’s bandwidth and improve the loading times.
It also offers some great features like video CDN which can be availed as a part of the paid plan.
5. AWS Cloudfront
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AWS Cloudfront is one of those Free CDN providers for WordPress site. It can be a pioneer in high-performance cloud computing but it comes for an affordable rate. You can still use the trial version though.
This is one of the industry’s leading content development networks with Amazon CloudFront. It is used by some famous companies like Slack and Spotify. You can also have a free usage tier of a complete year.
For starters, you need to use the WP Offload S3 Lite Plugin and then it can help you to integrate the storage and the CDN services with your official WordPress site. There are a lot of help articles which can help you to install WordPress on AWS.
6. Google Cloud CDN
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Another trial free CDN googlecloud is a great service which is just like AWS. It offers around $300 credits over a year and this can be with access to their cloud CDN platform.
The google cloud CDN has a separate guide on how to use it. It is widely known for its one-click solutions and deploys the websites from various other cloud providers.
7. Microsoft Azure CDN
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Just like Google and AWS, Microsoft has its own CDN too. It is a paid CDN software but it does offer a 30-day trial for the user to make use of. It also gives USD 200 credits. The Azure CDN can be availed at various data centers across the globe.
You can say that it is one of the Best WordPress CDN services. Apart from that, they can help you cache the static objects such as pictures from the Azure blob storage which is a web application. This is also a public accessible CDN where you can use the closest point of the presence server.
8. Cloudinary
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It is one of free CDN solutions for WordPress. Suppose you run a website that heavily dependent on multimedia and images. You think of all the design services and portfolios of photography. You can offload your images to another server.
This way you can save a lot of bandwidth which will save so much of data. This Free CDN Services for WordPress Website is a perfect image management solution that can host all your images on your website and resize them too. There are a lot of other features too but they offer 2GB storage and 5GB bandwidth in their free plan.
9. Imgur
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Imgur is the best CDN WordPress has. It is a very popular image hosting site and it can be perfect for beginners.
It is mainly favored because it is free WordPress CDN, it is highly reliable and can help to serve the websites in an easy way.
Imgur works best when it is combined with hosting sites like PhotoBucket and Flickr.
10. Google Hosted Libraries
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There are a few open-source CDN that is for hosted libraries. They are hosted by premium and free content delivery networks.
Google, for example, has the most popular libraries that have the best and superfast infrastructure. It can be quite useful as free CDN services for WordPress website.
It can be useful as their plugins and themes too.
11. Cdnjs
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This can be an option for content delivery network providers as it is a community-powered CDN that is used by more than 300,000 websites.
It is this popular because it is sponsored by Cloudflare, UserApp, and Algolia. This free CDN service hosts about 1000 libraries.
12. Bootstrap CDN
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Bootstrap CDN is free CDN for WordPress and it is one of the most popular frameworks. It is been used by so many websites around the world.
It is the best CDNthat has StackPath which hosts BootStrap CDN libraries. Bootstrap CDN is a public content delivery network. Bootstrap CDN can load CSS and JavaScript images in a remote way.
It is preferred from 7.9 million websites throughout the world. It also delivers more than 70 billion requests per single month!
Hence, these are the top 12 free CDN for WordPress websites. Not only does a CDN helps to speed up the website speed, but it also helps to cut costs.
This is because it saves a lot of bandwidth something that you have to purchase from the hosting provider. This way it tends to rank higher and will help you in SEO too.
Thus, if you want a custom WordPress development, free CDN service will last for so long as when you are not having much traffic. There will be free trial bandwidth but it will be over.
Therefore, use your CDN service as much as you can and once your website grows, switch to a premium plan with more features.