In today’s rapid digital market, user engagement is important for the success of any mobile app. Push notifications have been shown to be an effective method for increasing user engagement by delivering timely and relevant information, updates, and reminders. 

Looking for the perfect framework to develop a push notification? If so, then Flutter will be perfect and a fantastic tool for creating cross-platform mobile applications. Hire Flutter App Developer who can build high-quality, visually appealing apps that run seamlessly across multiple platforms. 

By integrating Firebase Cloud Messaging with Flutter, developers can send targeted push notifications to their users. In this post, you will see the steps to create a Flutter push notification with Firebase cloud messaging.

Understanding Push Notifications

Push Notifications are short messages or notifications that mobile applications send to users’ smartphones. 

These notifications appear on the user’s lock screen, notification center, or status bar, informing them of your business application’s most recent updates, messages, events, or reminders. 

These are essential for keeping your users engaged and informed, even if they do not currently use mobile applications. 

Push notifications keep users engaged in the app and improve the overall experience by providing timely and important information on their devices. 

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before integrating Firebase Cloud Messaging with your Flutter app, ensure you have the following tools and accounts ready:

☛ Flutter SDK

Install the Flutter SDK on your machine. This is essential for Flutter app development. You need to download the latest version of Flutter SDK.

☛ Android Studio

Install Android Studio, the official IDE for Android app development. It provides the necessary tools and emulators for testing your app.

☛ Emulators or Physical Devices

Set up an Android emulator through Android Studio or connect a physical Android device to your computer. This setup is crucial for testing your app during development.

☛ Firebase Account

Not having a Firebase account? If so, now create a Firebase account. Go to the Firebase website. Then, click the new project. This project will be used to integrate FCM with your Flutter app.

☛ Install Flutter and Dart Plugins

Open Android Studio. Then, go to the plugins section. Install the Flutter and Dart plugins. This will enable Flutter project support in the IDE.

☛ Configure Your Project

Once the Flutter SDK and Android Studio are set up, create a new Flutter project or open an existing one. Ensure your project configuration is correct for both Android and iOS platforms if you plan to support both.

By ensuring these components are in place, you will be well-prepared to start integrating Firebase Cloud Messaging with your Flutter app. This setup will streamline the development process and help you efficiently test and deploy your app with push notification capabilities.

Integrating Firebase with Your Flutter App

☛ Create a Firebase Project

Name your Firebase project and click “Continue.” Disable the “Enable Google Analytics for this project” option and click “Create project.” Wait for the project to be created, then click “Continue.” Select the “Flutter” option on the next screen. When you Hire Flutter App Developer, consider their experience with Firebase integration for a smoother development process.

☛ Install Required Tools

Ensure you have installed the “FlutterFire CLI” and “Flutter SDK” before proceeding. Add the necessary packages to connect Firebase to your Flutter app. The easiest and fastest way to do this is by using the “FlutterFire CLI” through the terminal.

☛ Log in to Firebase

Open your Flutter project terminal and run the command `firebase login`. If you are logging in for the first time, enter your Firebase email ID and password. This step is only required for the initial login.

☛ Configure FlutterFire

After logging in to your Firebase account, run `flutterfire configure` in the terminal. This command will display a list of all your Firebase projects. Use the arrow keys to select the project you created for your Flutter app and press Enter.

☛ Select Platforms for Configuration

Choose the platforms you want to configure for your Flutter project. Flutter is the best Cross-Platform Framework, which allows you to create an application for both Android and iOS. Select all the required platforms using the arrow keys and the space bar, then press Enter. This will automatically add all the necessary folders for Firebase connectivity to your Flutter project, which saves you time compared to manual setup.

☛ Connect Flutter Project to Firebase

Your Flutter project is now connected to Firebase. To use Firebase Cloud Messaging features in your project, add the necessary packages such as `firebase_core` and `firebase_auth`. Install them by running the command `flutter pub add package_name`. 

☛ Import Firebase Packages

Import `firebase_core` and `firebase_auth` in your `main.dart` file and make the required changes in the `main()` function to establish a connection between Flutter and Firebase. Now, you can start working with Firebase in your Flutter project.

Adding Firebase Cloud Messaging to Your Flutter App

To integrate Firebase Cloud Messaging into your Flutter app, follow these steps:

☛ Add Firebase Cloud Messaging

First, add the `firebase_messaging` package to your project’s dependencies by updating the `pubspec.yaml` file.

☛ Initialize Firebase Cloud Messaging

Next, initialize FCM in your Flutter app. This involves configuring Firebase in your `main.dart` file. Ensure Firebase Cloud Messaging is properly initialized when your app starts.

Handling Push Notifications

To effectively handle background notifications in your Flutter app using Firebase Cloud Messaging, follow these detailed steps:

☛ Define a Top-Level Background Message Handler

Create a function called `_firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler` to handle background messages. This function must be a top-level function, meaning it should be defined outside of any class.


Future<void> _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler(RemoteMessage message) async {

  print(“Handling a background message: ${message.messageId}”);


This function will be invoked whenever a message is received while the app is in the background.

☛ Register the Background Message Handler

In your initialization logic, typically in a function like `registerNotification`, pass the `_firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler` function to the `onBackgroundMessage` method of `FirebaseMessaging`.


void registerNotification() async {

  await Firebase.initializeApp();

  FirebaseMessaging _messaging = FirebaseMessaging.instance;

☛ Register The Background Message Handler


Hire Flutter App Developer who can handle incoming FCM messages even when it is not in the foreground.

Testing Push Notifications

To ensure push notifications work correctly in your Flutter app, follow these steps:

☛ Send a Test Message

Open Firebase Console: Go to the Firebase Console.

Select Project: Choose your project from the dashboard.

Go to Cloud Messaging: Go to the Cloud Messaging section.

Send Message: Click on “Send your first message” or “New Notification.” Fill in the notification details and select your app’s registered device to send the message.

☛ Verify The Notification

Check Device: Ensure your device is running your Flutter app.

Receive Notification: Verify that the notification appears correctly on your device.

Inspect Details: Check that the message content matches what you sent and that the notification behaves as expected.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

☛ FCM Token Not Received

Initialization: Double-check that you have initialized Firebase correctly in your `main.dart` file.


  await Firebase.initializeApp();


Token Retrieval: Ensure that the code to retrieve the FCM token is correctly implemented.


  String? token = await FirebaseMessaging.instance.getToken();


Permissions: Ensure you have requested the necessary permissions, especially on iOS.

☛ Notification Not Received

Configuration: Confirm that you have configured your app to receive push notifications.

Android: Verify the setup in the `AndroidManifest.xml` file and check for proper permissions.

iOS: Ensure the notification permissions are requested and granted. Check the setup in the `Info.plist` file.

Foreground Messages: Ensure you have listeners set up to handle notifications when the app is in the foreground.


  FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((RemoteMessage message) {

    // Handle foreground messages



☛ Additional Tips

Debugging: Use debug logs to trace notification delivery and handling, which can help identify where the process might be failing.

Internet Connection: Ensure your device has a stable internet connection, as notifications require an active connection to be received.

Firebase Project: Ensure you are using the correct Firebase project and that your app is registered under this project.

These are the common troubleshooting issues. If you Hire Flutter App Developer, you can ensure that push notifications are working correctly.

The Bottom Line

You have successfully integrated push notifications into your Flutter project using Firebase Cloud Messaging. You have learned how to obtain notification permissions, manage incoming messages, and enable background message handling. For even better efficiency, Hire Flutter App Developer who has a strong understanding of both Flutter and Firebase Cloud Messaging. This ensures optimal performance of your notification system.