Curious about how to tackle iOS app development using a Windows PC? You are not alone! Many developers face the challenge of creating iOS apps without an Apple Mac. But don’t worry. There are proven methods to bridge this gap. 

If you are an experienced developer or just starting out, discovering how to develop iOS apps on Windows can open new possibilities and update your workflow. 

Here, we will explore five effective ways to make it happen. Ready to explore the world of iOS app development services on a non-Mac platform? 

Using a Virtual Machine

Using a virtual machine is a popular method for developing iOS apps on Windows. By installing macOS on a VM such as VirtualBox or VMware, you can run Xcode, Apple’s official IDE, on your Windows PC. This setup allows you to access macOS features and tools necessary for iOS development. 

However, this approach can face challenges like performance issues and potential licensing violations, as Apple’s End User License Agreement restricts macOS installation on non-Apple hardware. 

Despite these hurdles, VMs offer a practical solution for developers seeking to work within the macOS environment without investing in Apple hardware. 

☛ Setting Up a Virtual Machine

Setting up a virtual machine for iOS app development on Windows involves various steps. 

First, choose a VM software like VirtualBox or VMware. 

Install the software on your Windows PC. Next, acquire a macOS installer or image file. This can be obtained from Apple’s App Store or other available sources. 

Create a new VM using your chosen software and configure it with the macOS image file. Allocate sufficient resources to the VM to ensure smooth operation.

Install macOS within the VM by following the on-screen instructions. Once macOS is running, you can install Xcode and other development tools required for iOS app development.

☛ Configuring Development Tools

Configuring development tools on a virtual machine involves multiple steps. After setting up macOS on your VM, the first installation tool is Xcode, Apple’s integrated development environment. 

Open the App Store within macOS, search for Xcode, and download it. Xcode includes essential tools like the Interface Builder and Swift compiler for iOS app development.

Once Xcode is installed, configure additional development tools as needed. This may include installing command-line tools and updating software components to ensure compatibility with the latest iOS versions. 

Consider adding simulators and external libraries that support cross-platform functionalities for efficient coding and testing.

Update Xcode and other development tools regularly to maintain compatibility with new iOS releases and take advantage of the latest features and improvements. 

Leveraging Cross-Platform Development Frameworks

Cross-platform development frameworks allow developers to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms, such as iOS, Android, Windows, and more. This approach can reduce development time and costs, eliminating the need to create separate applications for each platform. 

☛ Overview of Cross-Platform Frameworks

Cross-platform frameworks have gained popularity due to their ability to organize development. They offer multiple features that help developers build applications that look and perform like native apps. 

These frameworks provide pre-built components and APIs to access device functionalities like the camera, GPS, and notifications. Some frameworks also offer hot-reloading. This allows developers to see changes in real time as they code. It improves productivity and speeds up the development cycle. 

☛ Popular Frameworks for iOS Development

There are so many frameworks used for iOS development. Below listed are the most preferred: 

✍ React Native:

It is developed by Facebook. React Native is a widely used framework that allows developers to build native-like mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It provides a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools and has a strong community backing it.

✍ Flutter:

It is created by Google. Flutter uses the Dart language and offers a widget-based approach to building apps. Its “write once, run anywhere” philosophy and the ability to create highly customizable UIs make it a favorite for Custom iOS App Development.

✍ Xamarin:

Xamarin is owned by Microsoft. iOS App development services write apps in C# and share code across platforms. It integrates seamlessly with Visual Studio and provides access to native APIs. This gives apps a native look and feel.

☛ Setting Up Your Development Environment

You will need to set up your development environment to get started with cross-platform development. Here is a general guide: 

Use a package manager like npm for React Native and Ionic. Download the SDK for Flutter and Xamarin to install the framework of your choice.

Integrated Development Environments like Visual Studio Code, Android Studio, or Visual Studio provide a robust coding, debugging, and testing platform.

To build apps for iOS and Android, you will need the respective Software Development Kits. For iOS, Xcode is required. Android requires Android Studio and its SDK.

Emulators or simulators are important for testing your app. Set up virtual devices in Android Studio and Xcode to test the app on different screen sizes and resolutions.

Use the framework’s command-line tools to build and test your application on emulators or real devices. This process helps identify platform-specific issues and ensures the app performs well on all targeted platforms.

Cloud-Based macOS Environments

For Custom iOS App Development, Cloud-based macOS environments provide developers with the flexibility and scalability to build and test applications without owning physical Apple hardware. 

☛ Introduction to Cloud macOS Services

Cloud macOS services are virtualized environments that replicate macOS functionalities over the cloud. They enable developers to access macOS-specific tools and applications remotely. This makes developing, testing, and deploying iOS and macOS applications easier. 

☛ Top Providers and Their Features

✍ MacStadium:

MacStadium offers Mac mini, Mac Pro, and iMac Pro setups in the cloud. Their services include scalable Mac private clouds and automation tools like Orka, designed for Kubernetes-based orchestration.

✍ AWS EC2 Mac Instances:

AWS offers on-demand macOS instances for building and testing iOS apps. The instances are integrated with AWS services. It provides scalability and flexibility with options for macOS Mojave, Catalina, and Big Sur.

✍ Scaleway:

Scaleway provides Mac mini instances supporting various macOS versions. They offer pay-as-you-go pricing and the ability to scale resources based on project requirements.

☛ Accessing and Using the Cloud Environment

To access a cloud-based macOS environment, users typically need to sign up with a provider and select the macOS version they wish to use. Once set up, the environment can be accessed through a web browser or a remote desktop application. 

Users can install necessary development tools such as Xcode, manage files, and perform tasks as they would on a local machine. This setup allows for smooth collaboration and efficient resource management.

Using Remote macOS Services

☛ Introduction to Remote macOS Services

Remote macOS services allow developers to access a macOS environment from any location via the internet. These services enable users to run macOS on non-Apple hardware, providing flexibility for developing and testing macOS and iOS applications without needing physical Apple devices.

☛ Setting Up Remote Access

Users typically choose a service provider like MacStadium or Amazon Web Services (AWS) to set up remote access. After signing up, users can configure their virtual macOS machine by selecting the desired macOS version and specifications.

Access is usually achieved through a remote desktop application. This leads to smooth interaction with the macOS interface over the internet.

☛ Developing and Testing Apps Remotely

Once connected, developers can install Xcode and other tools to build and test apps remotely. This setup enables developers to collaborate in real time and efficiently manage projects. They can also quickly test app functionalities across different macOS versions.

Remote macOS services provide an effective solution for teams needing access to Apple’s ecosystem without the cost and maintenance of physical hardware.

Utilizing Hybrid Development Tools

☛ What Are Hybrid Development Tools?

Hybrid development tools allow developers to create mobile applications that work across multiple platforms using a single codebase. These tools blend native app functionalities with web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, enabling apps to run on iOS and Android while maintaining a native-like user experience.

☛ Popular Hybrid Tools for iOS Development

✍ Ionic:

Ionic provides a library of pre-designed UI components and plugins that facilitate access to native device features. It is widely used to develop robust mobile apps with consistent user interfaces.

✍ React Native:

React Native allows developers to build apps using JavaScript and React. It offers a rich ecosystem of libraries and a strong community, making it one of the most popular choices for hybrid app development.

☛ Implementing and Testing Hybrid Apps

Developers can implement hybrid apps by writing code in a web language and leveraging a hybrid framework to package the app for various platforms. 

Testing ensures the app performs well on different devices and operating systems. It often uses emulators and real devices to identify and fix platform-specific issues.


Developing iOS apps on Windows can be done through various methods. Each approach has its benefits and limitations for effective iOS App Development. This allows developers to choose the most suitable method based on their needs and resources. Using these techniques, developers can efficiently create and test high-quality iOS applications without requiring a physical Mac.


Using hybrid development tools is often the most cost-effective method because they allow you to write a single codebase for multiple platforms.

Yes, hybrid apps may face performance issues and limited access to native device features compared to native apps.

Test iOS apps using emulators or simulators provided by development tools like Xcode and real devices to ensure compatibility and performance across different iOS versions and device models.