The user interface for mobile and web applications is mostly through Angular JavaScript and now Angular 7 is the latest version developed with a minor 2 version and level 11 in the patch. The next version may be launched soon.
Built With summarizes that around 93,333 websites are using Angular versions out of which about 20,422 are using Angular lively and 70,511 sites have been estimated to use the JavaScript in the past. The major contributors for the same are
- The United States with approximately 13,866 websites
- Germany with around 733
- France with 490 approximately
- Brazil estimates to 463
- .io with about 403
Problem behind the old version of Angular:
Here are some interesting rumors about the Angular JavaScript that got users confused while developing interfaces for Android, IOS, Windows, Linux, and Mac.
☛ Linked to artificial intelligence
Some rumors went viral that Angular features included storage in artificial intelligence or AI format with a unique factor of being compatible backward with a code base of NgRx.
☛ Splitting of core or Angular
The rumors also stated that the core or angular splitting package was responsible for the bundle size of an application as well as performance pertaining to a cold start.
☛ The Feature of an ng-compiler
It also was heard that Angular included extensive features which can enable the compression or reduction of application bundle sizes from 95 to 99% approximately.
Therefore the true features and updates of Angular 7 are explained below in a way that rumors and fake news stay away and facts do the talking.
Features of Angular 7:
☛ Focused on the Ivy project
The Angular 7 release date was October 18, 2018, which was mainly built for the Ivy project. The question which strikes the mind next is, “What is the Ivy Project?”
The answer to this is that in an initiative to rewrite or modify the Angular compiler along with modifying and updating the runtime code Ivy Project was introduced. This, in turn, makes Angular 7 speedy, improvised, and portable.
☛ The Command-Line prompt feature
This particular feature has been upgraded to version 7 with level 2 in the patch. While using this version of Angular JavaScript, there are actually prompts when
- A command for either material or Angular is put
- The Ng-new command and
- Command of Ng-add
This, in turn, helps a particular developer or a coder to explore the features of routing, support, a new syntax of SCSS which is supported by SASS and has been built into Angular.
☛ Improvised material design with an advanced development kit
With the introduction of Angular 7 came in visual updates in minority for platforms such as web and mobile and the respective operating systems like Android and IOS. The material design for Angular has also been modified and upgraded to a higher version. Further, the component development kit or the CDK and the Angular Material include
- Option to refresh
- Virtual scrolling, which is also one of the unique Angular Js features
- Dynamic data list
- Loading and unloading of parts of Document Object Model or the DOM in a dynamic way
☛ The famous drag and drop module
This feature has been developed from the traditional drag and drops Angular Js which was included in the first version of Angular. This is possible with version 7 also with the help of drag and drop module and scrolling module being imported into it.
The drag and drop module specifically enhances the dragging and dropping facility in interfaces with the back-up feature of sorting in the boundaries of a certain list. There are a few more functionalities which the Angular7 supports in this domain
- The dragging is free and is supported at the back end
- Some animations
- The drag handles can be customized
- Dragging and dropping items from one list to the other
- Review or preview the whole thing before finalizing it
- Also supportive placeholder texts
- Activates a unique high-performance technique through which the height of the element which acts as the container turns equal to the total amount of rendering elements
- Enhances visibility in a way that the users of the applications can have speedier and hassle-free experiences
The CDK or the component development kit includes the drag and drops feature in a supportive format with an additional format of rendering automatically when the relocation of items is done by the users.
☛ Developments in the performance of applications
Research reads that while improvising the performance of Google, the research and development crew diagnose that web developers were mostly using the metadata which was in the reflect format. Hence, a part of the Angular 7 has been integrated to delete the same from a file formatted like polyfills.ts.
☛ The Ngcc or the Angular compatibility compiler
This particular feature comes in handy when the node modules developed through ngcc needs to be transformed into a format compatible with that of the Ivy project. This indicates that the node modules shall convert from a format of ngc to ngtsc. The Ivy rendering engine shall make use of packages like
- Do-Bootstrap for Angular which mainly aims at bootstrapping modules through a customized ngDoBootstrap as well as DoBootstrap interface.
- Improvised error handling for the output if initialization of the property is not done in a proper manner.
Updates for dependency in Angular 7:
There are three updates for Angular current version with regards to dependency
☛ Support for TypeScript 3.1
The TypeScript 3.1 has been upgraded from its 2.7 version by Angular7and is mandatory for use while working or developing applications with the help of Angular 7. The reason behind such an update is that Angular 7 moves slowly in term of TypeScript releases for coding.
☛ The RxJs 6.3 JavaScript version
Similar to the above, RxJs also has been upgraded to a version of 6.3.3 with new updates and modifications which encourage performance boosting for developers. The ability for debugging call stacks and developed modularity shall enable the compatibility of Angular 7 in a backward format also.
☛ Node v10 as the cherry on the top
Angular 7 is highly supportive with Node v10 along with backward compatibility to give a power packed performance for developing mobile as well as web applications across servers and platforms.
☛ Elements of Angular with slot
A yet another unique feature of Angular 6.1 is the ‘ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom’ which with the support of web standards can implement projection of content in a customized manner. The slot is a fresh element standardized by HTML and produced by the WCS or the Web Component Specification. The same feature is also available for components enabling with the support of a template.
☛ Updated router and updates for documentation
The new and improvised router has got features such as logging a caution or warning if the navigation is triggered outside the zone pertaining to the Angular Js. The same feature should be added for activation hooks for developing the applications across all operating systems and platforms for seamless and hassle-free development.
The information regarding Angular Code-Line has been updated on as documentation.
☛ Alterations
Some of the codes have been altered for the latest Angular 7 versions. For example, if <ngform> was used for form declaration in a particular template, the code should not be used as it may activate the directive for NgForm. Instead of that, <ng-form> should be used as the appropriate code.
But apart from all these features, there still is a need to update Angular. This is because the Angular application is not automated and cannot update itself through just permissions like a mobile or a web application. Hence, here are a couple of commands which may come handy for upgrading the coding language
- If a particular Angular application is running on a version 6 as well as RxJs 6, then it is quite suggested that the code-line or the core should get updated along with the Angular material.
- The coding for the same is $ ng update @angular/cli @angular/core and $ ng update @angular/material
- As an alternative, it is also suggested to visit for updating the version
- Research reads that the update process is faster for Angular 7 which is approximately less than ten minutes.
Additional features pertaining to Angular 7 are:
☛ Console for Angular
Consoles for running and commencing Angular projects on either laptops or desktops are available for download from the internet in a way that Angular can work at home without any obstacles or hassles
☛ Angular is on fire
Npm supports a module known as Angular fire which is compatible with Angular7. It is also stable for use for developing applications for mobile and web
☛ Bridging the gap between mobile and web through NativeScript
This is a new feature which has been included in Angular 7 which can enable single project development for mobile platforms such as Android and IOS as well as web platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux
☛ Includes features like StackBlitz
StackBlitz has been upgraded to version 2 to support the Angular 7 language for coding and development with advanced features like editing through tabs is made possible
☛ Featuring Bazel
Bazel is prior to the software for web testing also known as ‘web test suite’ and the whole thing is known as ‘protractor web test suite’ for reference which makes the entire application efficient and robust
☛ Angular core
The private Application Programming Interface or the API shall need an export of ‘defaultKeyValueDiffers’.
☛ Angular platform to browser commandment
For the public API or the Application Programming Interface, Hammer Js should be used in the form of lazy-loader for efficiency and compatibility
☛ Code-line compiler
0.29.x version has been updated from tsickle for a hassle-free and seamless CLI compilation
☛ Angular service-worker
For enabling a robust and durable mobile or web applications, a certain service- worker setting, and configuration is required. And for enabling the same, support for ‘?’ should be added to the service worker’s configuration and settings in a way that the entire set up runs smoothly
Hence, here are the best Angular 7 features which shall help in using and installing the appropriate Angular versions on the devices in a way that a suitable application and user interface can be developed with the required features and updates for providing a seamless performance with strong and efficient desired outputs from the same.
Also, Android 7.0 features are developed by using Angular JavaScript and not any other secret formulae or rocket science is responsible for the same. Apart from these, the upgraded versions of Angular 7 may be introduced soon for enabling developers to build a robust and durable application for the web and the mobile.