Do you know what are the latest Android 11 Features and how it will benefit Mobile Application Development?

It was just recently that Android 10 was set up and ready to use in Android devices, that Google has launched the developer’s preview of Android 11. But this shouldn’t come as a surprise because Google has time and again proved that it doesn’t believe in stopping the innovation.

Android 10 was a big change in Google’s operating system environment. Firstly, because we finally get to use the Dark mode and multiple changes when it comes to app permissions.

Secondly, with Android 10 Google ended its tradition of naming operating systems behind a dessert. Before we start discussing the amazing new Android 11 features, here’s a disclaimer.

As it is a developer’s preview, some of the features may or may not make it to the final version. Also, it is only meant for the developers so don’t try installing it in your Android devices. You may end up in serious trouble.

On the other hand, if you are here to know what will be its impact on mobile apps, then an Android app development company will be able to guide you better.

What’s New in Android 11?

Android dev preview is released in three sections with different features in them. The first release was on 21st Feb, second on 18th March, and third on 23rd April.

Let’s have a look at all the Android 11 features in all the previews.

#1. Chat Bubbles

It was anticipated that Google will bring chat heads like Facebook to all the messaging apps in Android 10. The chat bubbles are now included in the first developer preview of Android 11.

This new feature has a UI that will allow you to access multiple conversations via a bubble. The chat bubble will be visible on the screen of any app and it could benefit other messaging apps such as Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, etc.

#2. Native Screen Recorder

Again this is one of the latest Android update features that was expected in Android 10. But this time, people expect that the native screen recorder feature will be seen in the final version as well.

If a native screen recorder feature is finally introduced in the newest Android version, we won’t have to depend on third-party apps and worry about the security of our data. You can find this feature in the quick settings option.

Once selected, you will be shown a notice that the feature will now have access to the whole screen. Start recording by tapping on the Start now button and a red-colored icon will appear on the status bar.

#3. Pin Apps on Share Menu

The Android 10 version changed the user’s interaction with the Share menu and now with the Android current version, you have the option to pin apps that you share the most on the Share menu. The apps that use Android’s native share screen will have this feature.

Up to 4 apps can be pinned by long-pressing on their icons. Once that is done, the pinned apps will appear first on the share menu. You will be saved from scrolling through the endless list of apps on your phone when you have to share something.

#4. Media Controls Moved to Quick Settings

As long as we remember, media playback control has been in the notification panel. One of the Android 11 features is that conversations will be given priority in the notifications panel so media controls will be moved to the quick settings option.

The new UI will make sure that when audio is playing, the media controls are shifted to quick settings. When you swipe down the notification panel, a new media control widget and quick settings tile will appear.

On the other hand, when audio is not playing the option will fade from the quick settings tile. This is something new in Android 11 and works with apps such as Spotify, YouTube, and Pandora.

#5. One-time Permission

Data security is always a priority for the users in spite of all the best features in Android. Last year Google introduced an update in the permission manager with the option of “Allow only while in use”.

One of the Android 11 features is increasing the focus on privacy with a one-time permission option. One-time permission means you can allow access to the microphone, location, or camera for once and as soon as you quit the app, permission will be revoked.

Select the “only this time” option and whatever permissions you have granted to the application will be available only once.

#6. Scheduled Dark Mode

The scheduled dark mode is hands down one of the best Android 11 new features. The Android 9 version got us all excited about the dark mode with its glimpses of the same and Android 10 polished the dark mode.

Now, with Android 11 you can schedule when you want the dark mode on in your Android device. You can schedule it for either sunrise or sunset or even set a custom time of your preference. We think now you will agree that this is one of the best Android features.

#7. Airplane Mode Doesn’t Disconnect Bluetooth Devices

A lot of people regularly use Airplane mode on their devices but hate it when the Airplane mode disconnects their Bluetooth devices. However, the release of Android 11 will change that.

You don’t have to worry about disconnected Bluetooth devices anymore. We think that is one of the coolest new Android update features.

#8. Hide Silent Notifications

People choose to silent notifications from a lot of applications to focus on their work or for any other reason. But those notifications till take up space in the status bar.

One of the Android 11 features is that you can make sure it doesn’t take up space. Just head over to the notifications option in settings and select the option to hide silent notifications.

The silent notifications will still be present in the notification shade but you will definitely have some space in the status bar.

#9. Revoke Permissions Given To an App Automatically

Since the release of Android, Google is giving priority to users’ security and privacy. Now, here comes one of the top Android security features.

In the latest release, permission to the apps you have not accessed in the past few months will be automatically revoked. If at all this feature is included in the final release of Android 11 then a lot of users’ lives will be sorted and they can stop worrying about their privacy.

#10. Undo Closing an Application from Recents

There are so many times when in a hurry we close the app we actually want to use from the recent apps section.

That moment of frustration to again search the app and open it is sometimes too much in certain situations. So, one of the Android 11 features is that you can bring back an app that you just closed from the recent section.

The new swipe gesture on the recent apps screen will allow you to bring back the last app you closed by swiping from top to bottom. However, this feature may be limited to undoing just a single app.

#11. Screenshots Preview with Quick Shortcuts

Don’t we all sometimes dread the process of sending a screenshot or screenshots to someone? Although these are all minor changes in Android 11 they definitely make our lives easier.

Now, a preview of the screenshots will be visible on the bottom left corner with the options to share and edit it. Or you can just dismiss the screenshot with the ‘X’ button on the top right corner.

#12. Dismiss All Alerts & Notifications

If the sources are to be believed, the Android 11 version will allow you to dismiss all alerts and notifications.

In the previous versions, it was not possible to do so to keep those apps working in the background. The latest Android version will allow you to clear any notifications even if they are from an app you are currently using.

Impact of Android 11 on Your Mobile App:

The following are some of the ways in which your apps will be affected if you decide to migrate to Android 11.

  • You can restrict when the permission dialog appears – In the new version, repeated requests for single permission will be discouraged. If an app user selects ‘Deny’ twice for the same permission, it will automatically assume ‘Don’t Ask Again’.
  • App usage stats will remain private – Taking forward the agenda of users’ safety, the new Android 11 features, the app usage statistics are stored in the credential encrypted storage. Therefore, neither any app or system will be able to access the data unless coding is done.
  • Greater support for neural network applications – If an application is running on the basis of neural networks and machine learning, Android 11 will make it more beneficial. With the help of new Neural Networks API 1.3, Android 11 is assisting the Machine Learning apps to work seamlessly on the device.


All of the features listed above are just to give you hindsight on what all you can expect with the release of Android 11.

There are also a lot of Android hidden features to expect such as better support for foldable phones, 5G integration, pinhole displays, scoped storage, improved security, and privacy, and much more.

Don’t forget that all these features of the developer’s preview are an early version of what to expect later in the year. To make a more future-proof app, it is better to hire an Android developer and leave it to them.

Don’t keep your hopes too high as some of the above-mentioned features may not be included in the final release just like Android 10.

Do you want a simpler understanding of how Android 11 will affect your current mobile app? Or are you looking for expert Android developers to make a future-proof Android app? Whatever your requirements are just let us know on [email protected]!

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